All JavaScript libraries such as Math and Date are readily supported in Lynx.
JavaScript modules can be imported into Lynx files with the import
import { Rectangle } from "rectangle.js";
std.print(Rectangle.getArea(12.5, 6.16));
The standard library comes with a few input and output methods.
| std.print(arg)
| writes a value to the console |
| std.printLn(arg)
| writes a value to the console with a new line at the end |
| std.clear()
| clears the output |
| std.input()
| returns a string value from the input of the user |
| std.nextString()
| returns a string value from the input of the user |
| std.nextInt()
| returns an integer value from the input of the user|
| std.nextFloat()
| returns a float value from the input of the user |
| std.nextDouble()
| returns a double value from the input of the user |
| — | — |